Stereo power amp for $10k

Please help choosing a good stereo power amp to put between Marantz AV7702 and Morel Sopran speakers (4 ohm, sensitivity 91.5dB, nominal power 250W).
Main criteria: good audio quality, warm & deep sound, listening mostly to instrumental music and vocal in low-mid volume.
So far shortlisted to three options, all around $10k:
1) Pass Labs - either X150.8 or X250.8
2) Krell Duo 175 or 300
3) Burmester 956 mkII

Which one of the three would you recommend? Anything better with similar spec and in the same price range?

Showing 1 response by tjassoc

Yes - the Marantz preamp will limit performance, but there is something else to consider. Especially since your speakers are relatively efficient.

I have a lot of experience with Pass amplifiers (we currently own 5).

First, there is a very significant difference between a X-150.8 and a X-250.8 (the 250.8 is much better).

Second, there is even a bigger difference between the X-250.8 and the XA-30.8. The 30.8 sounds better, much better! I've listened to and compared both of these .5 series amplifiers and we used a 30.5 on our main speakers instead of our 250.5 in a relatively high end system - until we upgraded to our current XA-200.5's.

The only thing the 30.8 will give up to the 250.8 will be the dynamic impacts of bass. Like the dynamics of a drum. Sustained bass notes will be fine. Everything else will be much better with the 30.8. Don't take my word / experience for it, call Pass and ask them this for yourself.

Better yet, find a Pass dealer and listen to the X and XA amplifiers before you decide. It would be worth investing a weekend of time and travel to do this.

IMHO - upgrade the amplifier to a 30.8 and down the road get a good analog pre-amp with home theater pass through. We enjoyed our 30.5 for 3 1/2 years before upgrading to our 200.5's.

Each upgrade will be like listening to a new system. And you'll continue to enjoy your music along the way - which is what it's all about.