STEP UP transformers ??

Having followed this forum for many years I value HIGHLY, the views,opinions,and experience of all who contribute regardless of how small a contribution.

My question regards stepup transformers in particular the Auditorium 23 and the BENT MU. Currently my front end consists of a VPI HW-19 Mk4,OL silver,Denon 103 in a panzerholz body.all running into a Audible Illusions M3a. I've sort of narrowed my choices down to these two SUT's.In fact I already spoke to the Aud 23 distributor in my area, what led me to this dead end is the price. For the price of an Aud 23 I could get the Bent MU, which from what I understand is entirely more flexible(variable loading,captured IC's etc) while the Aud 23 is very good it is made expressly for the DL one-oh-three, and maybe the Ortofon SPU.
I'm sure some say it's a no brainer get the 23 but I don't plan to stay with the Denon forever. I want to make this my last SUT purchase (maybe next to last) as my phonostage may need to get addressed within the next year.
So has anyone had an opportunity to cross reference these 2 excellent SUT's? Also I've heard Audio Note has an excellent pair of SUT's.
Any help would be advised.I know I am leaving out quite a bit of details but that's the long and short of it.
Thanks in advance for you Help

Showing 1 response by gundam91

Yeah, I had e-mailed John a few weeks back. He is scheduled to receive a new batch of transformers to test out at the end of February. If he likes one of these, we may see MU back in production soon after that. I would love to get one myself.
