Stein Music Maestro Lacquer

Has any one tried this product? See this review:

hey everyone, just wanted to see if any others have experience with this tweak?

@celander did you end up trying this in your system?

@antigrunge2 just wondering if you have anything to share about how the lacquer performed in your system? also, if you can share details about how you used it with the USB connector, that would be appreciated as well.

i'm super interested in this product because i'm a big believer in natural oils/waxes having awesome damping/resonance control properties...


I used it on the metal casing and outside of the connector, obviously not on the contacts (!). the result is best described as less stridency, additional clarity.

haha, cool, thanks for sharing!

so you didn't try this on drivers or anything like that??

also, speaker cabinets? shelves? wooden stuff in the listening room?

i think i'm actually one of these crazy fools that is gonna end up trying this on my speaker's aluminium woofers - just to see if they can impart a more "organic" musical sound or something!! laugh

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I did use it on the membrane of my bass drivers resulting in better impulse and reduced boominess. Too scared, though to try the tweeters