Steely Dan Recordings: Best Versions of Each 1972-1980

Hey All:

Driving home the other day listening to my local favorite radio station (WXPN) and on comes "Here at the Western World" from Dan's "Greatest Hits" LP. Haven't heard that one in a while and love when a radio station grabs one off the back shelf like they do all the time. Anyway, got me thinking about how much I love the Dan and want to get the best possible recorded versions of each album. Right now I've got:

Aja: Cisco LP (Nice!)
Gaucho: SACD (Also Nice!)

What versions should I be looking for starting with "Can't Buy a Thrill" right up to "Aja"? Vinyl would be nice but I can entertain digital disc recommendations.


Showing 1 response by rlb61

The thing about Steely Dan is that most of their work is very well recorded. Those guys were manic about ensuring excellent recording quality. So, you really can't go wrong with most versions.