Steam cleaning records 2

Continuation of large thread.
Don't ever play your records more than once every six hours. The vinyl needs time to recover. Supposedly, virgin vinyl records are more durable. I don't know if that is Urban Legend or not, but I have lived by it since the late 70's.
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The vortex tube didn't work for me. You get it setup for one record thickness and then it doesn't work for others.

I do use the two o-rings though, but I'm not steaming anymore - I'm using the Walker 4 step.
Joprras : The perceived loss of highs could be the result of "dirt" clinging to the record surface, "dirty" steam , improper steam cleaning methods or most likely records that need additional cleaning. Rarely, I have cleaned a Lp where gunk clinged to the grove requiring further steaming. This does not happened often but can happen.

As for the posting regarding a 6 hour difference between plays , I recall several articles in the late '70-80's in "Stereophile" that claimed recently cleaned or played LPs require a "rest" period of 2 hours or so for the vinyl grove to re-shape to pre-playing/cleaning condition. So, it not as if the phenom has not been remarked in print.