Stealth Audio Dream Petite

Hi, I'm using Stealth's Hybrid MLT. Did anyone heard the new Dream Petite speakercable? Will be upgrading the MLT -which I like A LOT- to this new type.



Showing 5 responses by mariasplunge

This is a bit off subject, as I have not hear the Dream Petite, but I do have the Dream, and they blow me away. I'm not sure about your budget of course but I would spend the funds to go all the way to the Dreams if at all possible.

Good luck
Matteus, I'm sure the Petite dream is just killer as well! I've never heard that cable but if stealth says it's better than the hybrid then It's got to be great. I really enjoyed the Hybrid!

I compared the Dream to Tara Labs the 0.8, Acoustic Zen absolute, Cardas golden reference, and VD revelation. The dream just seemed right for me in my system.

I did not get a chance to listen to Prana, Jena, or VD Genesis, unfortunately. I pretty much stopped at the Stealth:-) Plus I have stealth throughout my system so it made sense.

Dev, Thanks thats good to hear. That certianly was a concern with choosing VD. I heard they can be unruly in the ridgid department. Any comment on sound difference?

Thanks Dev for the assessment. If you don't mind me asking, what's the rest of your system like.

Dev Nice set-up! Truly biwiring the stealth dreams! Now that is fantastic. Tell me, how do you do that with these speakers. I was contemplating getting them internally biwired but decided to forgo that for now. Can you explain the hook up process for using two sets of dreams per speaker? Also how do you like the Acoustic arts? I almost went that way with their separates.

Thanks for the rec on the Jeff Rowlands. I've since moved on from that current system, haven't had a chance to post newer stuff.

So far I've got:
Doshi pre
Lectron JH 50
Amazon ref TT
ZYX Atmos cart
Triplanar arm
Esoteric x-01 D2
Merlin VSM mxe

Stealth dream as the speaker cables, indra between amp and pre and betwen pre and CDP.

Thanks for sharing
