Dedicated lines will isolate your system from hash feeding back from other appliances on the line and reduce the voltage drop caused by other appliances drawing on the line. But, if your whole house got a nasty spike, it would not do anything for that.
You should ask the CJ technician about whether you should be using some kind of surge protector. These come in all sorts of cost, from cheap units built into power strips to some fairly elaborate (and expensive) units. Not everyone likes what these do to the sound of certain components, that is why I suggested talking to the CJ technician. Another option is a whole house surge protector that an electrician installs at the main panel feeding the house.
You should ask the CJ technician about whether you should be using some kind of surge protector. These come in all sorts of cost, from cheap units built into power strips to some fairly elaborate (and expensive) units. Not everyone likes what these do to the sound of certain components, that is why I suggested talking to the CJ technician. Another option is a whole house surge protector that an electrician installs at the main panel feeding the house.