Static from tubes

After watching and listening to some reviews I decided to purchase a Schiit Audio Freya plus preamp. I replaced the Tung-Sol tubes with General Electric GTBs and at least in my system, the separation of instruments was better. This was in March, 2019. I was quite happy at first. Twice, here was some static right after the tubes were changed, then it disappeared. At this point I am again getting static when I use the tubes. I looked inside and the inserts look pretty cheap (plastic).  Is static common with tubes, or is this unit just have this one part of it that is cheap? I am trying to decide if there is a tweak or repair for this, or if I should just sell it cheap and move on. Any ideas? 

Showing 1 response by newbee

Sure sounds like noisy tubes to me. Was this 'static' present when you used the Tong sols? Do you still have them. If yes and yes simply changes back to the tong sols. If they are quiet then you know that your problem is related to the tubes you are now using.

The solution then is to get tubes that are tested for low noise (new, NOS, or used). Age has little bearing. New tubes can be noisy.  Noisy tubes can last a long time. In my experience this is is not a typical sign of aging. Forget the pillow case unless you think cleanliness will make a difference. My tubes/amps get dusty as hell with out negative effect (I do dust them once in a while :-).