Your Nova 300 is a better choice for use with electrostatic speakers than any tube amp! Why? Because all electrostats have a wild impedance curve that goes from high to low (1 ohm above 10 kHz). This is a brutal load for any tube amp. Add in the fact that tube amps tend to have relatively high output impedance and can't deliver much current to a complex load. If you must have a tube component just get a nice tube preamp instead!
Starting to get interested in tubes
I am getting close to buying my tube amps. I am currently using Martin Logan ESL 11A’s with a peach tree nova 300. I am looking at the Manley Labs Neo- Classic 250 monoblocks. I want to use Manley 300B preamp. I will be using a Linn Majik streamer/Dac as my source. Can I please get any feedback on this combination.