Starting out...

Good Day All,

Thanks for viewing my post. I am currently trying to build a home theatre system and could use the expertise I've seen here.

I have 3 Crown 460csl amplifiers (each 2 channel) and have been searching for THX components to unify them....but dont have thousands to invest on one component. I have a M&k 5.1 speaker setup and would like components that will enhance what I already have.

Can anyone please provide suggestions to get my first HT setup? What else do I need to get this up and running?...what brands could go with what I have etc. (Controller, preamp, cables, etc)

I would appreciate any help you fellow audio/video philes can provide (links, sites, sellers, etc) :-)

~Keep rockin
With good 2 channel, great HT almost is a given, what I mean is it is very easy to have a good movie experience with just about anything, the music quality is where it is harder to acheive
Thanks guys. I appreciate the input.

This is my first attempt at HT coming from pro audio so I'm learning the difference. I've been researching how I can incorporate these amps with a good surround preamp under 2k.

My goal is good 2 channel audio and respectable HT quality.
I like Rotel, they offer a good product at good price, and used is even better.