starting equiment that ic cold from being shipped

Is it a real thing that you court problems if you turn on an ice cold amplifier or pre-amp without waiting 24 hours for temperature to rise.  I have long awaited Krell FPB and KCT shipping tomorrow,  It's single digits in the Midwet.  Should I wait a full 24 hours for the equipment to warm inside before introducing any electricity into the components?


Showing 3 responses by barts

I have personally been in the same situation, frigid amp, and went one more step

and put it a garbage bag and sealed it and YES waited four days which is when it felt like room temp.

barts hates moisture and electronics agree...




Unless my heat-seeking moisture missile is doing the talkin'...



My logic is very simple as I'm a simple guy!

My point is to take it out of the box and put it in a garbage bag to prevent airflow and then put it in the warmest part of your house.

Many moons ago while in the military I was an Avionics tech working on jets.
So I have seen first hand where an airplane flies high and the aft equipment bay becomes very cold.  We were stationed in North Carolina a humid place. After  cycles of this some corrosion can set in causing electronic issues.

Your amp is not an airplane and won't be subject to freezing/thawing cycles.

Apparently you love this piece, so I would take all preventative steps.
This is just my two cents, but it is what I do.  Enjoy the piece, I hope it doesn't require any further trips to Krell.

