Starting a Classical Vinyl Music Collection

Don't have much so I'm wondering where to begin.



Showing 1 response by dmk_calgary

Check out Discogs - HUGE selection of classical vinyl/box sets. I go for near mint or mint if its reasonable. I have purchased box sets of Beethoven symphonies, piano concertos. string quartets, Chamber music. Same with Mozart. Got excellent copies of Bach Brandenburg concertos. I go for EMI, Decca, Angel, RCA Red Label - stuff recorded in the 60's in UK and Europe when they took the time to do a good job. Ask on here for people's favorites - lots of classical music lovers here. I am sure you will get lots of good responses. DG is also good label, as others have mentioned. Depends of course on your taste and the composer. Discogs lets you search by label as well, which I love, especially if its something from the 70's that is out of print. I also found church organ music - go figure. And if you like choirs - Kings college of Cambridge choir is incredible - esp xmas music.  Good luck!