Star Sound Apprentice platforms

Interested in these because they are supposed to be made for existing rack/shelving in your setup. Anybody have experience with the Sistrum Apprentice line from Star Sound?

I'm particularly interested in how they do under dacs and preamps as opposed to speakers at this time.

Showing 3 responses by lak

I'd be interested in what information you may come up with regarding this platform for use with a Dac, in a current non-Star Sound audio rack also.

Thank you for getting back to me regarding the Apprentice SP-SA 03 platforms. I will definitely have to look into one for my DAC.

What size are the audio points used in your platforms?

Please let me/us know your findings regarding the VACi SE (a very, very nice unit). What will the Apprentice 103 platform's points be sitting on?
I'm a believer in Robert and Star Sound products.
Over the years I have owned many of his products that I used with various systems that I had assembled. I had to downsize a few years ago and have not kept up with the current production line and improvements. However, I still own a great variety of the brass audio points.