Stand mount loudspeakers

Okay with all the new stand mount loudspeakers out there which ones specifically should I audition for a smaller room? Please give details. Thanks!!!! I'll be looking at a whole new system so I'll be matching the rest of the system to the speakers I choose.

Showing 5 responses by audioman58

I own them, one of the 1st pairs, Europe took 90% of them. 
This next run you will see much more of them  and reviews to follow.
I have the matching stands put a  small container of plumbers putty in the bottom packed down with stick then graphite coated shot 12 lbs per speaker then washed play sand  then more putty top  before securing top thst bolts to the speaker.
They didnot play them until after show hours for people were already pissed
That there is a very good review  and No thing to buy ,unless you want white.
If you want an absolutely very good good one 
Buy the New Monitor Audio Studio  ,eith Matchjng stands 
See, only review. If you buy it is s must yo buy the matching stands 
Fill with sand  , they are direct coupled and bolt to speakers.
All drivers taken from their $28k PZL500,with s W12 dub,
You have a great full range system.  These are $5k + speakers 
For under $2k with stands ,currently first run sold out around the world. You will see more in the next few weeks.
These Monitor Audio studio speakers have a bunch of technologies .a improved version if the AMT tweeter, with a 4inch driver Tom and both on rear dual slotted ported, a magnesium aluminum with 
A Nomex center,and on rear Carbon fiber ceramic coated driver 
The the 60k micro perf tweeter this speaker is very fast  detailed 
With solid Bass to about 55hz. The Silver w Subwoofer with Bass room EQ is made of the same material these were recently discontinued for a newer model. This Loudspeaker can compete with quality speakers several times their cost with ease. With sub,or subs -same brand silver gold or platinum you  have a killer combination . The read on msny people like Stand mounts is for the holographic imaging and soundstaging. The review on them is Very accurate. Soundstage also gave them a best of at this year's
Audio show in Montreal. 
I have not heard any better standmount even in the $5-6 k range period. These new Monitor Audio Studio from around 55hz to 60k
resolution off the charts ,layers of detail you didnot realize was there once all the distortions removed these unconventionally designed drivers .with their unlimited $$ in testing this studio is a mini 
Platinum speaker for the moment at under $2k with and do fill matching stands must to get everything out of below the summary that sums it up buy their eq subs or-top sub.i bought their Silver 12 matching sandwich core  materials ,very musical, or use any high qualitySubwoofers you will save $1,000s on a great system.
summary.  Conclusion from review online ,and very is a AMTTweeter,Not a ribbon for the record withseveral patented improvements of the OscarHeil type on several levels ,research the platinums white papers.

The Monitor Audio Studio has recalibrated my expectation of how a compact speaker can perform  the resolution levels and clarity are the best I’ve heard and lay bare everything that is happening in the system. The integration between the metal cone bass/mid drivers and ribbon tweeter is seamless. The speed, control and pace are exemplary.

At their best in an almost near field situation fitted to their dedicated stands, with a wide spread and carefully adjusted toe in, the Studio’s project a holographic soundstage with uncanny accuracy and precision.

The performance delivered from the mid bass upwards is at the very least equal to that of Monitor Audio’s flagship PL-500-II $28k from which the Studio is derived but this much more compact and affordable model is by far a better choice for smaller rooms and doesn’t require anything like the same investment in front end electronics to sing. The Studio is an insight into the values of Monitor Audio’s design team – it is a completely modern, forward looking speaker system that values performance above compromise and deserves to be partnered with electronics from like-minded designers.

Before spending $$$ money  check out the Monitor Audio-studio.
I have owned a store,and been in Audio over 40 years . Most of the R& D was already done from their flagship PL500 cut out the center ,build a great Xover 
And cabinet the drivers already optimized. Their research lab is 2nd to none.
They design and prototype in the UK,they own the plant in China and oversee Every step beginning to all QC. If these were made in the U.S over $6-8k
No B.S.. this Highly improved version of a AMT tweeter has 8X the surface area of a 1inch dome tweeter, Neodymium boron magnets front and rear ,A 1st for a true
Unified magnetic field smooth,detailed and extended to 60k. A Great tweeter by Any standards and I have heard them all, the dual mid-sized midbass seamless detailed,and fully integrated. Buy their upper matching we subwoofer, and their stands were designed integrated with dpeakers.i have had emails saying I am 
Lying buy from Audio advisor ,anyone who gives you 30 days , give them 300 hours to fully settle in first 100 hours they are tight and constricted, after that
The soundstage goes way beyond the cabinets. Get the stands put plumbers putty on bottom or spray foam, fill with washed,dryer play sand a little foam on top then put top plate on secure speakers to stand . Built in outfitters are Great for wood
Or rugs . Try them for several weeks ,I doubt you would return them !!