Stacking a HT processor on top of amplifier

Due to space limitations, I kind of have to stack my Anthem AVM 60 HT processor on top of my MC452 amp.

I was thinking of using something on top of the MC452 to allow for separation between the amp and processor. There will be nothing above the AVM 60, and so I could use something that would allow for several inches of clearance and as much as necessary.

I've never done this before - is there something I can buy ready made that will do the trick? I am not a DIY kinda guy and would rather just buy something that folks here explicitly use for these kinds of AV situations.

Also, any downsides to doing this if there is sufficient clearance?


Showing 1 response by scorpio1951

  Don't stack unless you add a fan, as per craingl59's suggestion. The MC generates too much heat for anything to be stacked on top of it. Your owner's manual probably advises against it.