Stack Audio Auva speaker isolators

A set of used IcoAcoustics Gaia came up for sale.

Some Google searches later, I came upon this review by Hans Beekhuyzen comparing the Gaia to Stack Audio Auva. I’ve enjoyed his reviews.

This came up at the same time

Had discussions with Josh at Stack Audio about suitability with stand mounts and speaker stands.

Paid for a set of Auva70 today. Will evaluate at a later date.


Showing 8 responses by jerrybj


My amp is in for repair, so waiting for its return before assessing the effect of the Auva.


I am sceptical of many things. How can that possibly make an audible difference? I’ve had to eat my words (or really, my thoughts) a few times.

The biggest was system supports. Had sorbothane and Vibrapods. Couldn’t really tell the difference. Four years ago, upgraded to Black Ravioli Pads. I was won over. Even better moving from Black Ravioli Pads to their Big Pads.

Same thing with the change in speaker stands to Sound Anchors. Scepticism has now been packed away, as the improvement is very noticeable.

Likely I will hear an improvement with the Stack Audio Auva as well.


That's good news. I've only got a week to wait. Certainly curious the effect they have on stand mounts. The Sound Anchors stands I bought a couple of weeks ago are well thought of, and have certainly improved things.

Nice speakers you have.

I'm still waiting on my amp.

In the interim, have ordered a set of Stack Audio Auva EQ equipment isolators.

Have my system up and running. And Stack Audio Auva 70 installed.

Stand mount ATC SCM19v2 speakers with Sound Anchors stands.


The Auva have a subtle but audible effect in my system. An improvement in instrument separation, and tighter bass. Better control of the music. 

They are well worth the investment. 

I use Auva 70 under my speakers, and they also function as intended.

Auva EQ under my power conditioner.

Yet to install Auva 50 under my system rack.