Stack Audio Auva Isolator

I just ordered a set of these. They are supposed to be better than the Iso-Acoustics or even the Townshend podiums for speakers.

Anyone try these yet?

Auva Isolator - Stack Audio




OT- Robert, was it your Star Sound Energy room that Mike Powell gave a tour that showed that you use ASR Basis preamp and Emitter amps?

I'm considering buying the ASR Basis Exclusive HV phono preamp and would love to hear of your thoughts about it if I could contact you though Audio Vibe? Thanks!

Post removed 

My AUVA 50 replaced my GAIA III´s. The AUVA´s are in every manner miles ahead of the GAIA´s. 

It is as if the sound just gets totally detached from the speakers, and the bass is much more precise, deeper and more organic. Every note is much easier to follow, and the depth and width of the music is so much more impressive. My albums are just much enjoyable to listen to. 


Thank you for your comments. There are so many footer types, and many Audiophiles enjoy the type that they have. 

My only comment to that affect is until you try them you don't know what you're missing.

There is always someone trying to make a better mouse trap!



I had 24 Starsound audiopoint footers all with matching coupling discs for my entire system. They were good but the Stillpoints Ultra SS easily bested the Audiopoints. And they should have being 4x the price!
But I only mention this because I resent the owner and manufacturer of Audiopoints coming into this thread and schilling their own product especially when they obviously know nothing about the Stack Audio AUVA.

Tom even used his personal account here to pretend he was just an enthusiast who had tried every footer on the market ( he reeled off every name to Ozzy).

Its just wildly inappropriate and let’s cut it out.