SS preamp with tube amp

I toying with the idea of using my Esoteric integrated as a preamp to pair up with a tube amp.  I'm wondering if I will get the "tube sound" with this set up.

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Showing 4 responses by randy-11

you will get the "tube sound" or some of it

but you are doing the opposite of what most do, which is a tube pre-amp with a SS amp

yes, post your speakers as that could be important
in terms of resolution, an integrated may very well be the most transparent and best combination IF it is designed and implemented really well, but most aren't hence the typical sentiments against them

audiophiles like to change things frequently and separates feed that addiction, hence the design effort focused on separates

but there are many good integrateds - the real question is will they drive your speakers well

assuming you do not upgrade your speakers, find an amp (or amp section of an integrated) that can drive them well

if you do upgrade your speakers, find an amp (or amp section of an integrated) that can drive them well ;]

the thing about the power amp is that it must interface with and control the speaker, besides delivering adequate current, etc. so it never clips

other than that I think atmasphere put it well

for the record, I have a tube pre-amp - the ARC LS25 MkII (which replaces a Sonic Frontiers Line One I've had for ~20 years) and my Sunfire amp is SS which I may replace for another SS most likely - have had it for ~20 years and before that an Adcom

they drive Maggies (for the last 20 years; before that Vandies)

I am highly likely to upgrade the speakers and source material before changing the electronics...
OP - just make a short list of things to listen to.

ARC, Rogue, Ayre, Magtech, Mac, Benchmark, Pass, Audio Alchemy, Creek, Bryston...  there is no shortage of outstanding components, new or used.

add Marantz and NAD too, or Accuphase for vintage