SS preamp with tube amp

I toying with the idea of using my Esoteric integrated as a preamp to pair up with a tube amp.  I'm wondering if I will get the "tube sound" with this set up.

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Showing 1 response by audioman58

If uou want ultimate resolution a integrated amp is not the last word in resolution 
At least half  the money hoes inyo the Amplifier section.  
Yes it will work fine but many integrated  amps donot  have a Active preamplifier 
Section. This is why a Dedicated  preamplifier from same company for example 
Will bd noticeablyou better.  If uou want the Absolute best in resolution 
For example like a Single ended amplifier, - Direct only one stage. 
Myself just started comparing and now owning a Direct Heated Triode Preamplifier.  Such as myou  - 45 Tube  two box preamplifier. The 45 is a Great 
Tube for pure musicality. The only problem  is your builder needs to match proper gain  over 96 db speakers can magnify  any noises down stream..
Everyone should at least experience a World class DHT preamp ,and  SET amplifier. Custom built products such as my Class A - Dual mono Pass labs amp
With thd DHT pre is the Solid State version of a SET tube amp  .
Check out master builder Radu Tarta . The quality is Far above Anything  at his pricing Lundahl transformers, Tango, You choose the quality .your hard earned money hoes into the build ,not the mark up .you get 3x the ptoduct.
With only premium parts  to start.   Just do a little research. I have 35years of trial and error. Nothing is perfect in this hobby . Keep your mind open to trying somethjng new.