SS Power Amp/Tube Pre--on/off

my solid state power amp(krell kst-100) takes hours to max its sound and more hours to sweeted its elevated highest octive. i would leave on almost all the time, but i can't figure out how to deal with my NOS tubed CJ pv11 pre-amp. other than disconnecting the interconects, how else might one safely leave on the power amp and turn the pre-amp off when not in use for more than 12 hours. it hits me as wrong to burn-out
NOS tubes that are becoming more rare and more expensive over time by leaving the pre-amp on all the time.

ANY THOUGHTS.....i can afford the $50 to $100 to burn out a pair of quality 12au7/ecc82's each year. i just would rather not and one day soon they won't be available or they will be $200 per pair. one of you brilliant engineering audiophile-types may have an answer or is one of those situations where you can't have your cake and eat it!
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Showing 1 response by dekay

The amp being on and the preamp off should not burn the tubes (for example I leave my player and transport on 7/24 but turn off my tube amp, with a volume pot, off between listening sessions). Both should be grounded (either on or off) and I can't see the benefit of removing the IC's. I am not a very technical person, so perhaps there is something that I am missing.