SS Integrated amplifier advise, please


I went from an integrated amplifier to separates. And I am unhappy with the result. I would like to keep it simple and go back to an integrated amplifier.

I need a SS 100w-175w in 8 ohms.

My budget is about $1140.

If it matters I am listening to ALL kind of music (from classical to heavy metal and anything in between - jazz, world music, electronical, etc).

In your opinion, which integrated with the list price of $2850 or less will best serve my interests.

Thank you

Showing 1 response by timrhu

This may be one of the most commoml asked questions on Agon during the last few months so a search of archives may help.
I'm using a Roksan KandyIII now and have been very happy with it for a year or so. It has many features I consider essential and was very well reviewed by British press.
When I think of upgrading I watch for used Plinius or Classe. One thing for certain, after using this integrated I'll never go back to separates.