SS Int Amps, $1500-5k choices ??

any thoughts ?? possible choices are Naim,Bryston,Mac 6500...size cant be too big...anybody hear these or others, thanks
Ag insider logo xs@2xsuperhonestben
There has been high enthusiasm for the Portal Panache at its sub-$2K price point. The Lavardin integrateds look interesting, depending on how much power you need. The new Rowland Concerto is probably excellent, but may be over budget. Ayre perhaps. Sim Audio. YBA. Lots of possibilities.
Sim Audio I-5 is a good choice. Plenty of power. Built like a tank. Closer to tube sound than most solid state integrateds. Lots of rave reviews. Suggest you look for a used I-5, since they're reliable. But buy from a seller with good feedback.
Good Luck,
Ayre AX-7 evolution
Sim Audio new I-7 (shipping soon)
Lavardin IS Reference
YBA Passion

Already add a Bryston and it did not compare to these above.