SS Amps that are NOT warm and euphonic ?

OK ... What sub $2000 ( new or used ) amps would be considered on the detailed, clear, and revealing side of things instead of warm and euphonic ? MUST be high current solid state with tight controlled bass.
Well, FWIW, you are going to have to struggle to find a transistor amp that *is* warm and euphonic, but given that, that would have nothing to do with how the amplifier can deliver bass, so I would not worry about it!

You've got plenty of good suggestions so far... make sure that the speaker you plan to use is designed for transistors, if not the amplifier may have trouble making bass impact.

Good luck!
I have a acrcam a80 biamped with an arcam p80. they are fast and precise, but not cold. Compared to the Cary tube amp I just replaced them with, they are not warm, but moreso than brystons i just heard recently. these amps are very listenable however. for sale, if interested send me a PM.

Not warm and euphonic? Throw a stone and hit one! 99% out there in SS are the character you want... So the shorter list is to stay AWAY from these :
Mark Levinson(*most of them anyway)

Yep pretty much everything with an M'... Or anything thats normally pure Class A. They sound more relaxed, natural, and have very smooth soundstages, normally with bigger fuller bass, opposed to the laser tight, less organic sounding bass of the amps your looking for.

From the above already, yes mostly with Odyssey, Krell, Bryston you will get the harder edged SS crowd.

Buy Class D, and most A-B amps as they can fit the "Typical" SS sound.