SS Amp Recommendations?

I need a newer amp and recommendations are appreciated. The parameters are these:

Used, but new as possible.

100 watts minimum, 2 channel. I have built my own speakers.

$500 maximum. This figure is due to our rotten economy and my tight fisted, Yankee cheapness. You can never tell what the future may bring with our bonkers economy. Money is an issue even with this hobby.

The music I listen to: All Rock (no G.D. rap!) , jazz, classical. Heavy emphasis on Frank Zappa, Jeff Beck, Pink Floyd, Al DiMeola you get the picture.

Again, I appreciate any comments even on my cheapness or choice in music too!
If you can stretch your budget just a bit, this is a great little 115 watt (8 ohm) amp that is on the 2009 TAS Recommended Components list. I heard this amp (with some upgrade options) at my brother-in law's house this summer. It really is a great sounding amp that has garnered some very impressive reviews. It's got to be a veritable steal at only $800.00 (new)....
Ok I have your answer and it is the Applied Research Technology SLA2 amp. You can buy them for under $300 new and they offer 200 watts per channel.

This amp will greatly please you for the money. True high end sound.

Get a decent power cord from Signal and some decent footers and your done!!

I have compared the SLA1, which is 100 watts, to several used, big name and $$ amps and the SLA bettered some and was never embarrased.

Look on Ebay for the SLA1 or the SLA2.

Balanced and 1/4" outs only. Just get 1/4" to rca adaptors at Rat Shack for $5 each. They work great if you dont have xlr pre outs.

Turn the volume pots all the way up to bypass them and use your own preamp.
Don't rule out an Adcom 555. Lots of them on the used market and they have decent power and sound for the money.
So many responses! Thanks guys, learned alot. In this little hobby, the learning curve never ends.