SS amp mosfet 'haze' - ever experienced this?

Tried a new amp in my system on the weekend: the well-reviewed Gamut D200 mkIII (partly based on HP's great review), a single-mosfet SS design. At the dealers' place, it sounded great (speakers were Wilson Benesch Discovery, an isobarak, lower-efficiency design). I can't use a tube amp right now (unfortunately!) due to pending child and the system is on a LOT (2-ch/HT mix), so am looking for the most full-bodied SS amp I can find (prefer fully balanced design to match my modded SF Line 3 pre).

Well, to my surprise, the amp did NOT work out as well at my place. My speakers are 97db Coincident Total Victory. Yes, it was full-bodied, but I was definitely aware of this haze, or veiling around each note. I have a friend who designs amplifiers, and he said that this is inherent of mosfet designs. I called Israel (Coincident) and he was not surprised that I only heard this once I got back to my place, due to the high resolution abilities of my speaker vs the speakers at the dealer's. I guess I will be sticking with my Sim Audio W-3, as it is much 'cleaner' on my system (given that I must stay with SS). Too bad, 'cause my Sim W-3 definitely has the edge in clarity, but the Gamut was a touch more full-bodied.

Has anyone else experienced this 'haze' with a mosfet-based design? I admit, those with higher-efficiency speakers like mine (97db/14ohm) probably are NOT using higher-powered mosfet designs anyways, but I would like to know how others feel about mosfet designs and this issue I had.

Showing 10 responses by sutts

...the statement that newer Mosfets dont' exhibit this response. The Gamut amp I tested was the LATEST model (D200 mkIII).
It would be interesting to hear from someone else who has heard the Gamut D200 MKIII on reasonably high efficiency speakers...
Sheffb- you're not hearing the 'haze' I experienced because your speakers are 89 db efficiency- not a bad thing, as I will say the Gamut sounded very good with a set of lower efficiency/power hungry Wilson Benesch Discovery speakers at a local dealer's place...
Wow- a response almost a year later on my original thread- thanks Kalan! OK- you might have something with the Super E/Gamut- interesting observation- what preamp; interconnects; and speaker cables though??
Kalan- please let us know how the Gamut monos work out for you- curious, how was the Plinius SA-102? Did you have it with the same speakers?? Plinius definitely seems to have their fans as well... btw- I had heard somewhere that the lower-powered (25 watt??) 47 labs amp (Gaincard??) was actually the better soundign one than the 50-watt version...

Cdc & Mural- thanks for expanding the desciption of 'chip'- good info...
Gentlemen- I will add one note below- an exciting new finding for me... (by the way, no one is going to convince me about that the Mosfet haze doesn't exist- I know what I heard on my reasonably high-efficiency speakers).

I recently auditioned a remarkably uncoloured, yet also extremely communicative set of SS monoblocks. They are the Audiosector 'Patek' SE (the 6Moons guy raved about them I believe). I believed they would be termed a 'gainclone'. The low parts count and superb contruction stunned me, really superb and obviously meticulous build quality- perhaps this translates to the purity of sound I experienced??

I see big potential here- in fact, I compared them to the other 'new technology kid on the block'- digital switching power supply amps, in this case, a set of Bel Canto Ref 1000 monos. The BC's were interesting- but almost TOO quiet between the notes, as if in a vacuum... I found more 'life' in the Pateks...
Kalan- those are all good points- did not realize the Gamut was 'adjustable' in that way... Hey- a fellow Coincident owner huh? The SEIII's are cool, and in fact more flexible in that I have found a wider variety of amps that can sound good through them. I recently had the Victory's updated to 'II' status at Izzy's place (he lives 15 minutes from me here in Toronto, which is handy!)- increased resolution, yet not in any harsh way, in fact the greater inner detail was immediately apparent.

Jtgofish- sounds like we are on the same wavelength with SS amps- agreed on the chips- they could be the way of the future, however equally likely seems these 'digital switching power supply' amps like the Bel Cantos I tried. In fact, if you can believe this, when I plugged the BC's into the BPT line conditioner, all of a sudden my Accuphase fm tuner went all staticky- sp?? also- my television (also plugged into the same line conditioner) had snowy lines through the picture on certain stations!! Those digital nasties from the amps are definitely not for me- maybe they would work for someone in an all-digital, audio only system with very careful electrical isolation...

agreed on the bi-polar aspect (and I am not descibing my personality, although my wife may disagree :-). They do have more raw power- case in point- my previous HT system consisted of a few pairs of rather inefficient Totem Mani-2 speakers that sounded great once 'pushed'- the amps I used on them (Sim Audio; Theta Dreadnaught) used bi-polars - they had more 'grunt' if you will, but the speakers needed it.


thought about the First Watt, however the room is huge and I like to rock out sometimes- I think the FW might lack some balls- I could be wrong- just a feeling from experiencing the Pass Aleph 30 in the same system previously- a nice analog 'warmth', but not the greatest dynamically, and the noise floor too high for me...

However, I find greater 'purity' (I use the term somewhat loosely with solid state,- my Custom 45 2-watt tube amp over in 'system b' would disagree:-) with the best of the 'chip' amps- caveat- given a reasonbly efficient speaker. Perhaps so few parts translates to putting one closer to the music? It's an interesting discussion that would probably make a good thread- overall SS amp toplogies- their pros and cons. Again, speaker & room synergy is the key IMO...


not surprised- Izzy is a good guy, but he is real busy- he tends not to do auditions unless there is a good chance of a sale in it...


what chip amps are you speaking of/using? I wonder how their topology would differ from the Audiosector Pateks...
Kalan- thanks for the updates. How are the Gamut M200 monos on the ambient heat factor scale? are they warm to the touch; do they hear up the room? Incidentally, what is the size of your listening room?