Sqeezebox 3, Apple Lossless or FLAC?

I have just ordered a Squeezebox 3 and wanted some advise how best to set it up. I am proposing to use iTunes on an iMac laptop and a Wi-Fi connection. What is the best way, in your opinion, to rip CD files, Apple Lossless or FLAC? What is, in your opinion, the best way to connect it to my processor (Krell HTS 7.1), RCA or digital? Any other advise you can offer on the set-up would be much appreciated.

Showing 2 responses by blackstonejd

You should be using uncompressed AIFF to take compression out of the sound equation--PERIOD.

If you have to choose between those two, FLAC sounds more like the original to my ears. Apple Lossless always sounds like something is missing to me.