SPL: Reference level performance, German build quality, and innovative designs

My review just went up on the Stereo Times website on a full loom of SPL (Sound Performance Lab) of the Elector line-stage, s800 single chassis amplifier, and M1000 mono-block amplifiers. This 30 year old German company is mainly known for their professional gear made for recording studios. They started designing and building gear for the audiophile market five years ago. The preamplifiers/amplifiers are raved about by European audiophiles and have received superlative reviews in many German based reviewing mags.

The build quality is what you would expect from a German company and they have developed a technology called VOLTAIR 120V which is incorporated in all their electronics. Of course, the most important factor is performance and all these pieces are "killer" regarding the beautiful music they create. Then, add on that for an imported German piece of gear that's reference level, the asking retail prices here in the US is amazing. For all the details take a look at the review. 

Showing 1 response by yyzsantabarbara

@teajay Did you listen to the SPL amp with your CODA 07x preamp (I have it)? If so, how did it compare to the 07x and CODA #16 pairing (which I have heard). Or the 07x and CODA #8 which I have owned?