Spkr, interconects, or power cable upgrade first?

Hello all,

Originally posted this in amps form mistakingly, apologies if you have read this already.
I am just looking for some advice on upgrading my 2 ch setup.

My system so far consist of Quad 22L2 speakers, YBA Design YA201 Integrated Amplifier, and a Musiland md10 USB DAC with HTPC for source. RCA's are cheap Radio shack gold plated set. My speaker wire is also a less expensive monster cable 12 ga running bi-wired. I am also running stock power cables to AMP and DAC.

So whats first to upgrade here? I'm in collage so on a budget so looking for best sound for buck.

if you can borrow a set or sets of cables, that is ic, spkr and pc, listen to the differences between each one and decide for yourself.

my own experiences point to equal weight on all cables.
therefore, i don't think it matters in which direction to go at first.
There is always noise riding on the AC power. Removing it is a 1st step to enable better analyzing other possible upgrades. A used MIT Shotgun AC1 proved economical & effective in my system. Experienced pros know the hierarchy of improvement starts at the source-power.Good luck.
Thanks for all the advice.. You guys are great!! I really love this site and have enjoyed reading and learning from others advice and experiences.

Decided to go with some PBJ interconnects found at good price, next looking at some power options. I know when I have the system cranked at -8 or so and it starts dimming the lights in the room. So trying to solve this and maybe improve sound? Some sort of AC conditioner or something would prob be best before the actual cable? Also thinking of running ext. cord for the lamps and everything else except audio equipment on that breaker.

Hi Clint,

IMHO, the first thing you should do is have an electrician install a 20A dedicated line for your audio system. This should come before all three cable options. Second, buy a good receptacle for the electrician to install, like a Powerport. This should cost about $150 depending on where you live, including the receptacle.

After that you can worry about power conditioners and cables. No sense putting the cart before the horse. Power cords won't fix your issues with lighting, you need to isolate the circuit. Just my $0.02.

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