
Responses from ascr689s

PSB T45 or B&W 600 series
I actually auditioned both pairs unfortunately they where not side by side but at different dealers. different rooms etc.. I kept coming back to the B&W tho. There are lots of opinions out there saying the b&w's are colored in midrange and... 
Spkr, interconects, or power cable upgrade first?
Thanks for all the advice.. You guys are great!! I really love this site and have enjoyed reading and learning from others advice and experiences. Decided to go with some PBJ interconnects found at good price, next looking at some power options. I... 
Sound improvments
I very much enjoyed the concert more than ever thought possible. What a great artist Eric is..just amazing. He gave me chills several times during the performance. Never thought a single man, with no help from a band could make such great music. D...