Spkr cbls & IC's-must they be same brand

I'm relatively new to hi end. I've heard many so-called "expert" opinions on speaker cables and interconnects. Some state that speaker cables and interconnects should be from the same company to sound the best others say no. What are your thoughts?

Showing 1 response by onhwy61

Unless you have a strong reason not to, i.e. you really know what you're doing, stay with the same manufacturer. My only qualification to this statement is that it applies to "good" wire manufacturers. As a system gets more complex and moves towards statement status, it is more likely to require some mixing and matching. However, for a large percentage of listeners the mixing and matching of wire, will not yeild better results than going with single brands. Find a good dealer (probably the hardest thing to do in audio) and follow their advice. Yeah, the dealer is trying to sell you something, but in our capitalist world everybody is pushing something, if only an opinion.