Spindle-To-Pivot Distance


Suppose I have a tonearm that wants to be mounted 250mm from the spindle.  But it would be a little hangy-off the edge at 250 but I could mount it cleanly 240mm out.  What's the worst thing that could happen if I do 240?  Do I hear 245?

Showing 1 response by oldears

No big deal. Go to turntablebasics.com and look at their table of mounting dimensions. As long as you have enough adjustability in the tonearm mounting slots you can adjust the overhang and the angle to get correct alignment. For 249.5mm P-S the overhang should be 15.51mm and the angle 20.65deg. For 239.9 mm P-S the OH should be 16.09mm and the angle 21.41deg. Recall eff length = PS + OH. They make a very good protractor.