Spendor SP100R2 still a relevant speaker?

Was about to pull the trigger on some Tannoy Turnberry's but then found a beautiful pair of Spendor SP100R2's with stands that are within a long drive distance from me if I wanted to buy them.

They have some age on them, wonder if they can perform as good as the Tannoy or even better.  They are at the same price too $6k.


Showing 1 response by helomech

The original SP100s outperform the 100R2s, but the latter should still be very good. The upside to the R2 variants is they won’t suffer the driver surround hardening problem of the earlier models. I would be happy to own a pair of 100R2s driven by 40 watts+ of tube power. I like just about any Spendor better than the Harbeth counterpart.