Spendor SA-1 - Thoughts?

See there is a pair of vintage Spendor SA-1s for sale and I've heard other Spendor speakers (S3E and S3/5 series) but not the SA-1s. Curious if others have heard these speakers and what their thoughts are and how these speakers compare with other more current Spendor speakers.

Btw, the system I would be using them with would consist of a Jolida 502a amp and NAD C542 CD player, in a medium size room and listening taste are generally blues, bluegrass, and some classic rock, and I generally listen at a low or moderate volume level.

All thoughts appreciated.
they were part of a budget minded line that spendor made in the 1980's, and were/are excellent. very much akin to the ls3/5a, and in my opinion, more bbc-like than the newer 3.
I used to sell them , they were small speakers that were intended to compete with the LS35A and other BBC mini monitors , but with a simpler, less expensive design. They should be very good within the limits applying to all speakers of this size.