Spendor S3/5R2 or Wharfdale Jade 3

I have what is probably a decent midfi system and am considering replacing Jade 3 standmounters with Spendor S3/5R2.  In addition to Jade 3's my system is a Peachtree GaN1, and a Bluesound Node.  The Node is wired through an English8 switch with Supra cable.  It has the PD Creative power interface upgrade and JaysAudio lps.  Coax into the GaN1.  Monster speaker cables and an SVS sub.  Room is 15x13 with two tube traps, heavy curtains and two acoustic panels.  I am a fan of British speakers, having also in the house Celestion and Mission standmounters.  I have been thinking of a P3/ESR or something similar.  A Spendor S3/5R2 is for sale on USAudiomart but I won't have an opportunity to audition, so I thought I'd ask opinions from Agon.  I should say that I am in no way unhappy with the Jade 3's.  Thanks.


Preferred music is female vocalists (especially Melody Gardot) piano jazz - and occasionally Roxy Music.  I seldom play anything really loud.

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Showing 1 response by yogiboy

I’ve owned many Spendors and Harbeths including that Spendor. It is an excellent speaker and I doubt you would go wrong with it!