Spendor D7.2 Preamp-Amp Pairing

Hey guys,

Looked through the forums but honestly couldn’t find much comparing the systems I’m considering.
I’m looking into the following preamp-amps. Any thoughts would be much appreciated.

In any scenario I’m mostly likely going with a Schiit DAC (Yggdrasil or something close).
80% music, 20% movies. Music will be all over - pretty much everything other than country and rock (heavy emphasis on electronic and orchestral). Lower listening level, I don’t typically blast anything.

Located in Canada so that can be its own issue.

My current contenders (under $4000 USD is the goal):

  1. Freya + with dual Vidars (~$2300 USD).
  2. Ragnarok 2 ($1800 USD)
  3. LM-508i (~$2000 USD) - Lots of love for this piece, just curious how it stacks up to the Schiits. Also there’s only 220V available?
  4. Kinki EX-M1 ($2400 USD)
  5. Cambridge Edge A (~$4000 USD) - Currently in my possession, a nice unit and nice sound, just not sure if it’s the perfect fit.
  6. Parasound Hint 6 or the P6/A23+ combo ($4000 USD).
  7. Arcam SA-30 ($4000 USD, TBD release date).

NOTE: I tried the Hegel H190 and it just didn’t work for me. Something was missing in the bass - the warmth. I realize it’s a loved piece, just didn’t work for me.

Thanks for any help!
I mainly drive my D7s through my MA252 hybrid.  Bass is superb.  I've heard the D7 and the ATC SCM40 both with Hegel 190 and thought the bass was fine.  It's possible it was the room.  Yours or dealer's?   I also have an Arcam A39.  For the price, I doubt you are going to find a nicer amp.  Probably 1k on the second hand market.  The SA30 come with all the gadgets that you are paying for and don't need as you will already/will have a DAC.

The difference between my Arcam and the Mac is not night and day.  The Mac is a little sweeter and fuller with more "soul."  The tube pre-amp section gives it an ever so slight flavor.
I had the D7s for a while and they sounded incredible with a Rogue Audio Cronus Magnum II.  

If you must go solid state I would recommend a tube preamp with solid state amplifier- e.g. Primaluna EVO 100 + Parasound a23+

FYI they take at least 200 hours to sound their best.  
Thank you all - your comments have provided me a great foundation to work with. 

After researching opinions on each of the systems suggested and general prices I managed to find a Rogue Audio Cronus Magnum II at a brilliant price. 

Happy sailing from here on out!