Spending a month's salary

I don't have much experience as an audiophile. Based on my research, the bulk of spend should be on fine speakers. I have $20k to invest in either a superior AMP, DAC or pair of speakers. What to do?

My room is on the smaller side, listening position is about 7-8ft from the speakers. I suppose bookshelf speakers are appropriate. Right side speaker is very close to side wall <1ft. Left side is open to 6-8ft. Back wall is about 10 ft from listening position. Speakers sit about 3ft from front wall.

My current setup:

Revel 106 speakers

Parasound P6 pre and A21+ amp

Node 130 streamer w/ upgraded Teddy PS

AQ cable loom.

I prefer bookshelfs given my room. Separates are ideal, though I would like to consider an all in one like a Boulder 866.

Which component is most important. I'm not looking to have an unbalanced system. Eg. $15k speakers and a $500 DAC.

Appreciate any insight.




Showing 2 responses by bigkidz

First off you never mention what type of sound you like and what type of music.  So all the recommendations here IMO mean nothing until I understand what you prefer.  I understand the room treatment thing but again what size is your room.  We have a Listening Room with brick walls and practically no room treatment.  I would bet that we achieve better sound than most people making recommendations here.  Source is important, speakers and then the amplifier.  You cannot get there by most recommendations mentioned here IMO again.  We have more speakers, and components in our Listening Room than most people posting here have heard in their lifetime.  There is so much that goes into sound.  But unless I understand what you like, I cannot recommend anything to you.  We manufacture our own line of audio components that can be build to your ears.  So help us understand what you like. You can spend $20K and get poor sound also.


Happy Listening.


So, your recommendation is to buy an airline ticket and figure out what sound op is looking for before arriving at your establishment?

BTW.. I suspect that your description of your listening options is accurate.


If you want to come by to hear things you are more than welcome.  I was saying that anyone in th3 NYC area or visiting should schedule some time to come by.  We encourage people to bring their own gear also.

You need to know what type of sound you like.  Tube, SS, and then you can back into what you like by trying different components.  I have a friend who completely hates any noise.  He knows what tubes do and loves the sound but if any noise, they are gone.  So buying a tubed component that is quiet, is usually compromised especially if you like NOS tubes.  We can eliminate the noise but it gets pretty hard to do on his 99db speakers.

So everyone is welcome to come by.


Happy Listening.