Spend my money

I'm relatively new to this endeavor and would love some advice from more knowledgeable and experienced members. I was hoping to receive your recommendations for upgrading my system at 3 different price points ($500/$1000/$2000), and what upgrade you believe would have the most impact.
For my listening habits, I go analog about 25% of the time and the rest is usually digital streaming Tidal/Qobuz. Also I use headphones around a third of the time. I listen to many genres from jazz to punk to kpop to rap to classical to everything in between.

One upgrade I can't do right now is to add a subwoofer. I live in an apartment and I get more bass than I can use already.

So how would you spend $500? Or $1000 or $2000? I know my system is very modest compared to the ones here but it brings me much joy every day!

Current system:
  • Emotiva TA-100
  • Paradigm Monitor 7
  • Blusound Node 2i
  • Fluance RT82
  • Hifiman Sundara
  • Schitt Modi
  • Schitt Magni
  • Schitt Sys
  • Schitt Mani
Thanks to all for your advice!


Showing 1 response by three_easy_payments

so the answer is to spend your $500 in gas trying to listen to everything available?