Specs for MB Quart 3 Floor Standing Speakers

I am trying to find the specs for some MB Quart Speakers Three floorstanding speakers. I have searched the internet in vain so I am turning to the Agon community. I am interested in obtaining the sensativity specification but will also take any other info for them as well. I am waiting to receive a fully restored Fisher 400 receiver and would like to use thes MB Quart speakers with it. Here is what is written on the plate for these speakers:

MB Quart
Quart Three
4 Ohm
Freq Resp. 33-32,000 Hz

Made in the USA with North American and German Components

There is also a plate that says:

Wired Internally with Esoteric Audio USA cable products
Windsor, Georgia

Any help will be greatly apreciated. Thanks.

Showing 1 response by thecustomedge121c

the speakers mb quart builds are phenominal, I had a competion car set up with mb quart, you will find on the car audio scene MB's are very high quality. might not be real bassy but should be really bright and accurate. oddly enough I am looking for info on them myself, I might buy a pair myself, and am looking for some reviews, however, I do know I am not scared of purchaseing them without the research info, simply based on there track record they have with me. I know they are high quality, german engeneered speakers. my e-mail is thecustomedge@hotmail.com maybe you could drop me a line when you get to test them out for yourself and let me know how they handel power, how good is the bass response etc. I would appreciate that. anyhow talk to you later, Ryan