Special female RCA jacks

I'm having a hard time finding a female RCA jack that is suitable for mounting through a thick chassis plate. In order for one to work for me, the threaded portion of the jack must be about 3/4" long.

Does anyone know if such an animal exists?

Showing 2 responses by nsgarch

Ketchup, I was using Magnan ICs w/ my Bryston, and their barrels were just toooo big. I solved the problem with Monster right angle adaptors, but it was a less than desireable situation. If Albert suggests Cardas, I'd definitely check it out. They'd be good quality. Maybe they'd even make you some custom for not too much. Also, check w/ Jim Aud at Purist, he does a lot of custom stuff.
Ketch, you might be able to find such an animal, but most likely it won't be of "audiophile" quality.

The way I've most often seen this problem solved in components with thick faceplates or rear panel plates, is that the manufacturer counterbores a larger hole (around 5/8' dia. +/_) into the plate to reduce the effective thickness to something around 1/8". And then drill the hole for actually mounting the jack.

Bryston (used to anyway) drill a large hole in the plate and mount the jacks on another (thinner) plate inside. I never liked that solution because a lot of connector barrels wouldn't fit through the big hole!