Speakers Women Like

Another discussion asked whether there were any women audiophiles, like males who knit, they exist, but are hard to find. I am interested in "stereo" types (i.e. types of people who like stereo music), but not judgements and I love hearing about what other listeners get out of music.

So my question for the women listeners and readers here is, what speakers do you like, maybe what headphones and what make you scratch your head and go "you’ve got to be kidding me? "  Do you think it's about hearing, or culture? Are you all about the big double bass in a Jazz quartet, or the Chinese erhu? What makes you feel at home with audiophiles, what makes you feel your by yourself?

Any other information about how you got there, like whether you play music, or like a certain genre. Please, we’re all ears.


Showing 1 response by theophile

This thread reminds me of a joke:

A shipwrecked fellow was sitting on the beach scanning the vicinity for any sign of ships. He notices something tumbling around in the shorebreak. When he retrieved it he saw that it was a battered old oil lamp. He thought "I know that it is a fairy tale but what have I got to lose in trying". So he gives it a thorough polish. The Genie appears from within the lamp and says "I will grant you one wish". The shipwrecked fellow says "That's great. I know exactly what I want. I need you to build a bridge from this island, all the way back to California". The Genie said "You have given me an extremely difficult request. Perhaps you might have another different request I can help you with?" The stranded fellow said " You know what? I've always wanted to be able to understand exactly what is going on in the minds of women"

The Genie folded his hands, bowed and said " Will Sir be requiring a four or a six lane bridge?"