Speakers with closest sound of Tannoy KensingtonGR

Dear all,
Just went to a local dealer and heard Tannoy Kensington GR driven by the Airtight amp with EL 34 tube (forgot the name).
I was impressed by the sound but my room can't accommodate its size.

Anybody can advice more compact floor stander speakers with similar sonic signature of Tannoy Kensington GR?

Thanks in advance for any advice

Showing 1 response by buconero117

S1nn3r, I enjoyed your video, it was well produced. Some comments on your set up: Leather couch, as all audiophiles know, it is a no no, as it is two reflective; Equipment between the speakers, another no no, as it received too much acoustic energy that files around the room, look into an acoustic screen; get the TV covered with echo busters when playing music, as it too is bouncing the acoustic energy around the room. Believe me, I after spending over sixty years in this hobby, I know you can create 'better sound'.