Speakers to hang on to for LIFE

After 9 years with my Proac Response 3s, I recently decided to change speakers. As you can tell, I'm not an upgrade fever patient. I want something I can live with for years & I think the best advice I'm gonna get will be from those who have & are still living with their speakers for an extended period of time. Please tell me why too. Thanks.Bob.

Showing 28 responses by ctsooner

Timeless thread regardless. I find it interesting to read earlier posts to see what was 'in' and what seems to be 'in' now.
That I've had since 90's. Super towers, studio 100 and studio 1 mk2 in order to get new Vandy Treo's. Have to go SS from tubes so I thought I'd just make the move. Thought I'd keep the Supertowers for life and still may if I don't get enough for all of these lol.
Wow, just heard the Vandy 7's at Audio Connection in Verona, NJ and was blown away. They would be my choice if I was playing in that range. They were with AR Ref preamp and the Ayre mono blocks. WHAT a set up. Not sure what TT they were using, but I didn't even hear a pop or click. If I could do vinyl like that at my house with my Rotel-855 and VanDenHull cart, I think I'd keep the TT. I still may. Vandy 7's were just natural and did everything right.
I have had problems in the past with most ribbons as most designers don't marry them properly from what I've heard. The Legacy speakers (current) have done a pretty good job. I think I may be sensitive to coherency from top to bottom. I used to love the Apogees back in the day, but I thought they lost their magic when they were mated with their subs. I have never liked the ML speakers either. I do like Maggies, unless they are mated with subs. I'm not a sub guy for the most part. Bass is the most expensive part of the speaker. There are a few companies who make musical and coherent speakers that dip into the mid 30's or lower and they sound awesome.

There is a reason many choose a speaker for life if you would, but WHY?? What are you sensitive to? Do you care about a full range speaker? Can your room handle it? Staging, imaging, pace, rhythm???? Why are you keeping your speakers for life? Thanks.
have subwoofers come that far that you can really integrate them and not 'hear' them? I've never heard a sub that integrates fully, but I haven't listened to a system with them in years. Do you use two? I would assume that's the only way to do it as it can be directional no matter what some folks say. I really am interested in everyones thoughts on this. Bass is the biggest thing that separates a 5k speaker from a 15+k one imho. thanks.
Very interesting list. We have a similar ear I think.

Sonus Faber Electa Amator- Agree
Sonus Faber Ellipsa-Agree
Artemis Eos Signature with Bass Modules-One of my fav's along with Sonus Extrema's
ProAc Response 3.8- Loved listening to them at my friend's store
ProAc Supertower- I have owned for years and am finally letting them go if anyone wants them, lol
Joseph Audio RM33
Joseph Audio Pearl
Quad ESL 988- Loved these both times I heard em
Vandersteen 4- Love the new ones BEST ;) (getting Treo's)
Gallo Reference 3.5
Dynaudio Special 25
was that post for mine? I don't see where I said perfect. In fact, my point was that I have really enjoyed many of those speakers. I have a few sets right now also and have loved them for different reasons. I'm now going to sell off everything as I'm starting over. I agree with you in that there is no perfect anything.
I have loved the Supertowers for years and love them all over again since I hooked up the Ayre integrated. I get my new DAC/cable this week and can't wait to burn it in. I bet it's going to sound that much better. That said, I'm selling them off (let me know if interested) along with my other two sets of proacs so that I can afford the Vandy Treo's. I love the rightness of the Treo's, but I will be fine with the Proacs until I can sell them, that's for sure.

As for tired of looking at something, I'm past that part of my life. Maybe in a car, but not in a speaker. The tall, slim, teak Proacs are attractive to me and always have been. I've never been a B&W guy at all. Way to hot on the top end for me. The new diamond series are the first ones I can listen to that don't make my ears bleed. Again, I realize how popular they are and when I say that about their sound, I'm talking the top level ones since the 800's came out years ago. Just not for me, but many swear by them.
Steve, how cool is that? 5 years and counting. Lot's of innovation in speakers.

I've heard some speakers recently but using totally different source and amps. I was in shock as to HOW different many have sounded. Some I didn't like overtime, however there are a few that always sounded excellent. I don't want to sound like a commercial for Vandy's or Focal Utopia or Sonus (the older ones), so I won't, lol...

Have any of you guys done this? I assume you've done it with your own speakers. Would love to hear the differences.
I nearly got the Stages they lacked bass and I didnt like them with the integrated sub bases they sold with them. The Apogees will sound so much better than any of the speakers you mentioned as long as you are using proper amplification. What are you running them with? I venture to say that if you upgraded your electronics, your stages will absolutely sing. The high powered Krells really controlled them. I also heard them with top of the line AR tubed gear and again, they sang. That was a great speaker. My buddy sold them up in Providence back in the day.
There are many reasons folks hang onto speakers for life. Money is a huge thing. Just because there are advances in tech, often the gains aren't worth the price of admission. Also, the speakers are only as good as the system and room they are in. I have seen way too many folks change just to change and often they aren't happy with the changes. I have been around hi end audio since 1969 or so. I have had to take a few breaks as I wasn't able to be around it as much when I was in the Navy on ships away from land for a year at a time (other than three day port calls in third world countries). Then I was away from it for a few years due to kids and work. I recently came back and am playing some catch up, I have seen bigger advances in digital to where I can listen to it and enjoy it. I also see a huge change in some SS amps. I finally heard a SS amp I can live with (Ayre) and was able to get it. It made my vintage Proac Super Towers sound very good. I never realized it had the bass it has as I ran tubes.

The one thing I've heard that has changed over the last decade is that everything seems to be more 'revealing' or 'detailed' , but so much emotion has been lost in many products I've listened to. It's like we have the ability to now get more detailed, but only a few products allow the emotion of live to come through.

What is the true lifespan of a speaker? It depends on the person as Beewax posted. For him it's none, but for many they are fine with what they have. Tha'ts what makes this hobby so much fun.
I bought a ton of stuff at Tech back in the day. I am selling off a Luxman tuner I got there. Last thing I have left
I remember how cool those OHM's were back in the day. They weren't for me. Even the MBL"s aren't my cup of tea, but I can see why folks love them so much. Again, we all listen for different things. This is interesting as it's not 'what is the best speakers you've heard', it's one that you have an emotional attachment to. I thought my Proacs would be with me til I died, even though I knew they weren't exactly what I wanted. The more I learned about listening I realized this year that I wanted new speakers. The Proacs kept sounding better and better, but I also knew it was time. They are still better than most speakers up to 2500 and someone will get a great deal on the towers and or matching monitors, but I wanted the Vandy's after hearing them. They just get it right, but they are also very expensive.
Nice list. Still selling off my Proac Supertowers in teak, lol....I've been fortunate to listen to most of your choices and have enjoyed them in various forms. I loved those EOS with mods as stands....they just looked cool. I think it was in a Dallas store if I recall correctly.
I got to hear those Harbeths with Audio Note gear earlier this year and they didn't do it for me. I've read the reviews on here as well as elsewhere. I get that they sound nice, but for me they are lacking in detail. I realize that you don't really get 'detail' in live music. I can fully understand how the Harbeth crowd feel about speakers that sound differently...I could easily live with the Harbeth sound as it's enjoyable,but with the Vandersteen upper end lines, I found the best of both worlds as they are faster in the mids and seem to be more revealing into the music. JMHO and I fully get where others are coming from. I got PRoacs over Spendors years ago, so I guess that's that's why I decided to go with 'that' sound over the Harbeth sound.
Matt thats' one heck of a list. Are you still looking to get into the Focal Utopia Stellas?
Loved those Artemis Eos with bass mods. Heard them for the first time in a store in Dallas with top of the line AN/Japan components and I was floored. Owned the Proacs. Couldn't fit the Response 3.8's or I would have owned them. Never spent much time with Joseph Audio, but need to find a dealer to listen to them as they get so much great press. Like most of what you have on your list.
Been LOVING my Vandersteen Treo's for a few months now. The system is finally cooking with the new Ayre AX5 Twenty and Empirical Audio OSDE SE. I hear a huge difference in my high res stuff now. I still want the Vandersteen Quatro's as the bass can be tuned to the room and that will make a huge difference. I'm just sold on this line. Richard Vandersteen just makes music as a fair price in todays market. NO listener fatigue. My wife even mentioned that tonight and she doesn't even understand what she's saying, lol. Just said she can't believe she's been listening with me for hours and no headaches. She rarely listens so this was interesting to hear. I think the former speakers gave her headaches. I know I couldn't listen for more than an hour at a time.
Heard a ton of horn stuff in Japan last month. Not impressed. Just not my cup of tea. Just made me want to get back home and listen to my Vandersteen Treo's. I do wish I could move up in the line, but I don't have the money for it right now, but from the 2 on up to the 7's, I just have yet to hear a line that connects like they all do.
TBG. I agree. That's why they make so many different speakers. I have really enjoyed many different speakers over the years. For some reason I have fallen in love with the VAndy line but others make great speakers too
Ranch, I didn't know those were Dan's speakers. It;s nice to hear of someone holding onto speakers for that long, lol. My original system from 1969 is still used daily by my former brother in law (sister divorced him, I didn't, lol).
Vandersteen Quatro's will most probably be my last set of speakers. I can't afford anything more and the Quatro CT's bass set up is NEEDED in my room as it's difficult.  Best sounding speaker I've had in the house to date.  Wish I could afford the new Kénto's, lol....
wow, blast from the past.....

Funny as I read my last posts and I had just gotten the Treo's....I'm move up to the Quatro CT's in Audi Havana Black.  Look as great as they sound.  
True.  I still own Vandy's.  Moved up from Treo to Quatro CT's....best move I've made.  If I had owned the Tree CT's, I'd have gotten his new Sub 3's (a pair).