Speakers & the room

After a couple of years playing around with different speaker positions I came to a conclusion.My room sucks..No matter what I do I can't get it right..My room is about 15x24 with 3 different ceiling hights..My speakers are about 5' from the back wall and 3' from the sides.This seems to be the best but it's so far off from what I want.I have moved my listening position everywhere also.If I sit at the same distance away from the speakers as they are apart my imaging is great but I'm missing the bass and the extreme lows.And of course if I move my listening position farther to the back wall i get great bass but the imaging vanishes.I hear very large tonal changes with even small changes in my listening position.is my room doomed or is there help?My speakers are Artemis/EOS full range with tons of acoustic treatments from auralex.Any help would be appreciated..

Showing 1 response by chashmal

Spaz: You have no right to complain with a killer room and rig like that! It looks amazing to me, there must be a solution. My guess is hire an acoustician or get many many audiophile friends to come and give their suggestions.

Seriously, a room like that is to die for.