Speakers that turn your analytical mind off?

I am fortunate enough to own a wonderful pair of speakers and yet I catch myself noting how good a flute sounds or some other dissected component of the music rather than the music as a whole. When I'm in the shower and listening to sonos through our bathroom in ceiling speakers, I don't dissect the music and find it much easier to connect with the music.
For those left brained folks, have you found speakers that turn your analytical mind off and allow you to connect with the music ass a whole?

Showing 4 responses by schw06

Truly excellent point and one that I have a hard time admitting to myself. The problem is my expectations for the dollars spent. The price/performance ratio in audio is an asymptotic line but I believe my expectations are more of a straight line. Thank you for holding the mirror in front of my face.
Thanks for the response. Your facts are incorrect about the Mosaics but I do appreciate the advice.