Speakers that disappear

Here is a description of a speaker found in TAS, the recommended components issue:
"... simply don't sound like other speakers. The Xes are tonally neutral and nearly sonically invisible; voices and instruments don't seem to be coming from drivers in frames or boxes. Instead they hang in space, free-standing objects that are so three-dimensionally "there" that listening to *them* is like going to a play, where listening to other speakers is like going to the movies."
What affordable(under $15k) speakers fit this description?

Showing 1 response by newbee

"What affordable (Under 15K) speakers fit this description"

A lot, or none, depending on your competence in proper set up and choice of electronics and sources.

All it requires is a bit of knowledge, some money, and a lot of patience and flexibility (spacially and mentally).

Buying speakers which can 'disappear' is easy, but getting them to 'disappear' and produce holographic images is the real trick. See the thread re Holographic Imaging posted by Dazzdax.