Speakers sounding dull? MUST READ! The truth about speaker design!

Do your speakers sound dull and lifeless?  Well that's because speakers are not made from real musicians, or even real musical instruments.  Well I alone have a solution for this...





Showing 1 response by henry53

Speakers sound like speakers.  The vast majority of people listening to music do so through speakers, mostly at home and sometimes at concerts, sometimes very large ones, some fit in their ears. Telling someone else that a speaker sounds awful is like telling someone the food tastes bad, all you can say with any certainty is that food tastes bad to you and speakers sound awful to you. Every Klipsch speaker I have ever heard, and that is dozens at least, sound abysmal. My design professor at uni ( a very qualified engineer) designed and built speakers, he loved Klipsch speakers. I keep trying to find the magic he heard, I just hear screaming.