Speakers or room

I have a very lively room. Tile floors, large window and open area. If you clap there is a loud echo. Furniture is limited. I set up Kef LS50w and the sound is recessed not forward. The room is 26 x13 and even up close it doesn't sound good. Is it the room? What should I do ? Wife acceptance factor comes into play. 


Showing 1 response by dwhess

I have a similar situation.  I've done the best I can without compromising my room appearance too much but I know it's not ideal.  Much of my listening is background so I'm ok.  Jim Smith's book,  "Get Better Sound"  will help you a lot.  Most of his info is about room set up.  IMHO, get advice here, take your time and tweak as you can.  Good luck.   Doug