Speakers or room

I have a very lively room. Tile floors, large window and open area. If you clap there is a loud echo. Furniture is limited. I set up Kef LS50w and the sound is recessed not forward. The room is 26 x13 and even up close it doesn't sound good. Is it the room? What should I do ? Wife acceptance factor comes into play. 


Showing 1 response by 4krowme

I would have try for speaker placement first, and don't give too soon. OTOH, you can't change physics, and maybe the room is too tough of a situation to be handled speaker placement alone. Like many of us here, I have owned a number of speakers over the years and expect each set to have some good and bad about it. In general, I have to agree that the speaker needs to be 'sized' right for the room. No hurt in trying this pair in another room (smaller).