Speakers on top of subwoofer

Is mounting a speaker on top of a sub a bad idea?  Specifically, a Harbeth 40.x mounted with isolators on each corner so the cabinet can flex/breath on top of a Rythmyk E15  I have a limited amount of floor space and the Rythmyk is a little taller than a Tonteger which is a good thing since the Tons are a little short to place the tweeter around my ear height.  


Showing 1 response by terry9

I side with @soix on this. A speaker balanced on top of a sub is going to move. It may even fall off. This is avoided in 3-way systems by bolting, gluing, or otherwise fastening the sections together in the optimal configuration, which of course depends on the crossover. Which of these attachment methods should be used with an expensive speaker? I say, "None."

Then there’s the problem of stabilizing the sub on the floor, with an added weight on the top, raising the centre of gravity - it goes on. I wouldn’t touch it. YMMV.