Speakers: Isolation?


I’m trying to figure out the best method for setting down my stand mount speakers.

Currently I have a pair of hollow wooden cabinet stands ordered to measurement from eBay. These are pretty lightweight and do not use dense wood. They are laying atop thick butcher blocks acting as pliniths which are on a set of Mapleshade carpet heavyfooters (spiked). What’s the best way to effectively mount my speakers onto the stands?

Showing 4 responses by james1969

The best interface I have heard is the Symposium Rollerblocks double-stacked.  I've used these for monitor speakers on stands before, the change in sound is not subtle, you will get a more coherent sound, better imaging and better bass.

I am using them for my Klipcsh Cornwalls now.
The heavier the speaker, the more inert it will be on top of Rollerblocks.  Have a look at my system, you will see I am using Rollerblocks double-stacked.  You just have to be careful when in the vicinity of the speakers.  Keep in mind, Rollerblocks are to be used in 3s, so that you get a three-point stand and then let gravity do all the heavy lifting.
@dhpeck Thank you for the kind words.  My system is a work-in-progress.

@toddverrone Yes, there was one occasion where I almost tipped one of my speakers over, but I saved the day on that occasion.